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Ready to show up and claim your place as the GO-TO EXPERT you are?

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Don't be just another option for your ideal clients, be their first choice...EVERYTIME!

Tell me, does this sound familiar?

So, you've got the strategy, racked up the courses, and even had a business coach or two whispering wisdom in your ear.


BUT, here you are, still tiptoeing around the edges, not quite stepping into the spotlight as the expert you're meant to be!

You're a master planner, but when it comes to the crunch, you're more about the 'but' than the 'do'. Excuses are piling up, you're eyeing up everyone else's progress, wondering when it'll be your turn, always telling yourself you'll try again tomorrow.

Sure, you're putting in a ton of effort to be visible, but your messaging just hitting the mark! You’re struggling to convey what makes you truly unique and no matter how loud you shout, it feels like no-one's listening...


On paper, you're the expert, no question about it...

But in reality? You're still clinging to the safety net, scared to take that leap and shout about how incredible you are!

Stuck, frustrated, and frankly, fed up. You’re so friggin’ ready for the next level, but you just can’t seem to get there…

It's time to dive deep...

👉🏼 Deep into who you really are as the expert and what's actually going to make people want to invest their time and money into working with you!

👉🏼 Deep into who your ideal client's reality - going well beyond those surface level client avatars that focus on irrelevant facts, like their favourite chocolate, and the name of their dog. (Well, on second thoughts, I'm always open to dog talk!)

👉🏼 Deep into your messaging and USP, highlighting what makes you so incredibly special, so you can draw in potential clients with powerful content, and create no-brainer offers that practically sell themselves!

👉🏼 Deep into the subconscious blocks that are currently keeping you in the safety zone, so you can finally step into your true expert identity, make big, bold moves, and radiate that contagious energy that just can't be ignored!

You're geared up for the next level.
It's time for decisive action. Deep down, you've got the goods — now let's showcase them.

Introducing the...

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6 intensive weeks of 1:1 coaching to give you the clarity, strategy and subconscious shifts that will take you from feeling invisible and frustrated to becoming the obvious choice, again and again!

Get ready to...

Dive deep into truly understanding your ideal clients so you can craft messaging that grabs their attention and keeps it.


You'll learn how to speak directly to the hearts and minds of your audience, ensuring they're hooked from the first word. Developing clear, compelling communication that makes your ideal clients stop scrolling and start listening.


But that's not all, because the true power is in tackling your own subconscious blocks. We’ll dig out those sneaky doubts and fears stopping you from owning your space and becoming the first choice, again and again.

You'll discover your secret sauce to make your clients think, “I need this!” No more undervaluing your worth or the difference you can make as you shift into your new identity of the go-to expert your ideal clients need and want to work with!


Imagine how different your business would look in just 6 weeks with a new found clarity, powerful messaging, aligned content and incredible confidence...

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Working with Jenna has been a gamechanger  for me!


I went from being an insecure book coach and business owner to a confident and aligned one.


Jenna made me realize I have a lot more power in me than I thought I did, and her continuous support of my beliefs and values has been invaluable in changing my mindset about myself and my business.


Her exercises put me to work and they changed me in a way I never thought possible in such a short amount of time.


I can’t recommend working with Jenna enough!


You may be wondering why I'm the woman to help you evolve?


Because I was you.


I spent years playing small, holding myself back through fear of judgement and failure, wondering if I would ever really find the success I was craving.


What I didn’t realise was that I needed to change, but it wasn’t enough to create a few helpful habits. I needed to look within, look at the woman I believed I was, because at the time, she was scared, uncertain, frustrated and stuck.


You see, to create powerful lasting change, you need to go further than just changing the way you behave, you’ve got to change your identity.


You have to change who you believe you are, and what you think you are capable of.


And this is exactly what I've done. No longer am I hiding behind my brand, wondering what to talk about next or how to sell my offers…


I’m the woman who’s showing up daily, embodying my expert status and regularly bringing new clients into my world.


For me, it’s not all about the money, it’s about the IMPACT I can make in this world. Now I’ve created this incredible business that gives me purpose, fulfilment and FREEDOM - and I want that for you too.


You can’t keep waiting for the day you wake up as your next level self, you need to take action TODAY to become her. Start thinking like her, feeling like her and behaving like her. But that has to start with believing you’re already her!


Sounds easier said than done, hey? I know, that’s why I am here, creating this space for you to feel safe, empowered and ready to take that leap into becoming the go-to expert everybody is waiting to see!


If you want the clients, the money, and the freedom that being your own boss provides, then it’s time for change...

Your perfect clients are already out there, just waiting to discover all the magic you have to offer.

Once they do, you'll be their first choice, again and again!

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Coaching with Jenna has been amazing...


she is so supportive and she's got great knowledge and insight into how to build a business and what tools to use, I really had no idea where to start before working with her.

With Jenna's help I now feel like I have more of a professional feel to my business, I now have systems in place to attract client's and offer them great value. I feel like I can really start to share my journey and stand in my expertise and it feels genuine.

She really takes the time to understand what you're trying to achieve, and she gives really useful and honest feedback. I'm so pleased with what I have achieved and will definitely be working with Jenna again!


You're so much closer than you realise... 

You've already done so much of the hard work. Now it's a case of letting others see exactly what you're capable of, and the best bit is, you don't even realise your full potential! (yet)


It's time to get out of your own way, get the clarity you need and show up as the friggin' GO-TO expert your ideal clients are out there looking for!

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